Deyr season (October to December) is the most suitable growing season for sesame production in Somalia. The sesame plants require a short rainy period for growing and a dry period during harvest and drying time. For the past three sesame growing seasons, SATG has been working with farmers and sesame processing and trading companies to set up and manage one hundred and twenty (120) sesame demonstration plots located in Middle and Lower Shabelle regions.
The services that SATG is providing to the farmers and traders include improved practices and production methods. The services are given through daily guidance and support, Training of Trainer (TOT) trainings as well as through field days that are arranged in three sessions according to the different growing stages of the sesame crop.
  • The first session is given at the pre-production stage and it focuses on what to do from land preparation up to the crop establishment stage (land preparation, planting, irrigation and weeding).
  • The second session is given at the crop development and growing stage. The focus of the training at this stage is mainly on plant protection, safe use of pesticides, and crop management practices.
  • The third session is organized at the crop harvesting stage where the participants are trained on good harvesting practices, post-harvest handling, and data collection methods.
Agronomist Mr. Abdulkadir Mohamed Abikar demonstrating and identying deseases and pests.

SATG is testing different sesame seed varieties and multiplying best performing varieties.

Extension Workers Trained by SATG

By Yusuf  Hasan, SATG Lead Agronomist