Conference on Agriculture Development held in Minneapolis USA (View pictures)
Improvement and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources in Somalia
SATG presentation given during a ToT; Training of Trainers session with Horn Relief. Improvement and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources in Somalia
Filsan – Hope In The Future
SATG presentation to the Somali Support Secretariat - Food Security and Economic Development Sector Committee (SSS-FSEDSC)
Towards Sustainable Agriculture Research in Somalia
SATG presentation at the Flagship Workshop, CGIAR Research for Improving the Impact of Relief, Recovery and Rehabilitation on Agricultural Livelehoods in Highly Stressed and Unstable Systems Towards Sustainable Agriculture Research in Somalia
Filsan / Phosphorus Success Stories in The Dry Land Farming Of The Bay Region-Somalia
A SATG presentation given during a ToT; Training of Trainers workshop for Horn Relief. Filsan / Phosphorus Success Stories in The Dry Land Farming Of The Bay Region-Somalia
Agriculture for Peace
A SATG presentation given to the National Civic Forum in 2009. Agriculture for Peace
Reflections on The Past To Plan For A Better Future
SATG's presentation at the Strategic Framework for Coordinated Agriculture Interventions in Somalia in April 2004 in Machakos, Kenya Reflections on The Past To Plan For A Better Future
Grain Storage
Slide presentation given by SATG at the Regional Workshop on Dryland Farming Practices in Emergency and Post-Emergency Contexts. October 2008, Nairobi, KENYA. SATG-Presentation on Grain Storage
Toxic Waste Dumping and Human Rights in Somalia
This is a paper presented at the 14th Session of UNHCR’s Panel Discussion on Toxic Wastes on 8th June 2010. It was presented by Dr. Bashir Mohamed Hussein of SOMACENT Development Research Foundation. The Evidence of Toxic and Radioactive Wastes Dumping in Somalia...
State of the Agriculture in Somalia and Possible Future Intervention Strategies
Dr. Hussein Haji gave this presentation on behalf of SATG at the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa conference in Washington, DC. State of the Agriculture in Somalia and Possible Future Intervention Strategies
SATG Interview With VOA Somali Service
Dr. Hussein Haji was recently profiled on the VOA Somali Service programme - 'The Silent Voice Speaks Out'
SATG Booklet
SATG has produced an introductory booklet summarizing its work and aims. Visit the resources page to download the booklet.
Somalia: Up to 240,000 under fives malnourished – report (IRIN)
From IRIN Africa: NAIROBI, 2 February 2010 (IRIN) – Somalia has one of the highest levels of malnutrition in the world, with up to 240,000 children under five affected, according to an early warning report published on 1 February by the Food Security and Nutrition...
Training Guides
Training guides on grain storage, grain silo construction, and crop production are available…
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